Mini Rice Dog


A bowl, rice, 2 eggs, hurikage (rice seasoning mix), sausages, skewers, plastic gloves, flour, batter, oil, fry pan, mustard and ketchup


1.Break one egg into a big bowl with rice.

(Note: There are many flavors of hurikage at the grocery store.)

2. Combine the hurikage with the rice and egg.

(Note: Add tuna if you want for extra goodness.)

3. Mix everything together.

(Note: It should look similar to this once finished.)

4.Skewer the sausages end to end, as shown above.

5. Grab a handful of rice and flatten it in your palm.

6. Place the skewered sausage in your palm with the rice and close it around the sausage.

(Note: A little oil on your hand will make thismuch easier.)

7.Prepare the flour, a beaten egg and the batter.

8.Dredge the prepared skewers with flour.

9.Dip in the egg wash.

10.Dredge it with the batter.

11. Repeat until all skewers are finished.

12. Add oil to a heated pan.

(Note: Oil should be ready for frying once it starts to show signs of light smoke.)

13. Place the skewer in the hot oil, turning periodically.

(Note: Watch that the skewers do not burn.)

14. Fry until it is golden brown, about 3 to 6 minutes.

15. Arrangethe fried skewers on a dish in a star shape for presentation.

16. Pour liberal amounts of ketchup and mustard over the top.

(Note: Choose any sauce or condiment you like.)

17. Enjoy!

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